
Parasha Insights


How does a child say good bye to a parent and promise to continue her legacy?

How does a son say thank you to a dear mother when he can no longer speak to her?

How does one take a sad, dark moment and transform it into light ?

We use the opportunity, while still in Shiva, to perpetuate the loving memories of my mother, Chaya Luba a"h, and my father, Harav David a"h, with a living legacy.

I am happy to share with you that G-d willing one wall in the brand new

MAX AND LILI HAHN Jewish library in the new Chabad House will be dedicated to Chaya Luba and Harav Dovid Geisinsky.

The books that are read from that wall will enrich those who read them, enlighten those who seek to learn, and educate and inspire whoever peruses those vo… Read More »

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. You are more than what you have become!

“Beloved is man, for he was created in the image of

G-d,” Rabbi Akiva states in the Ethics of the fathers.

These beautiful, inspiring words of Rabbi Akiva, capturing his approach to understanding the human psyche and the path to human empowerment and inspiration, have tragically become to relevant in recent days, as the collective “Jewish heart” was shattered by the horrific news of three young Jewish teens, Yeshiva students, kidnapped and murdered by the bloodthirsty monsters of Hamas.

This is why begging the kidnappers for mercy is futile. Terrorists laugh at us when they see us going to them on bended knee.

They are still laughing at Michelle Obama weeks after she implored Boko Haram to Bring Back Our Girls. T… Read More »

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