
Parasha Insights


The amazing speech we heard from the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu this week, delivering the most important message of strength and victory over our enemies in the House of US Congress, is related to this week’s Torah portion Pinchas.

G-d tells Moses that his time is coming, and He prepares him for his eventual passing:

G-d said to Moses, "Go up to this Mount Abarim and look at the land that I have given to the children of Israel. And when you have seen it, you too will be gathered to your people, just as Aaron your brother was.

Immediately following this conversation, Moses turns to G-d with a remarkable request.

Knowing that he will soon pass, he thinks only of his people. Moses asks G-d to appoint someone in his place… Read More »


Sigmund Freud famously believed that a person’s dreams are crucial to understanding what makes that person tick. “The interpretation of dreams,” he wrote, “is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.”

The business of dream interpretation, though, is difficult, because many dreams, or parts of a dream, are meaningless. And yet, certain Sages regularly provided interpretations to those who were plagued by their strange nighttime imaginings.

The Jerusalem Talmud tells several anecdotes of people, both Jews and Gentiles, who approached the 3rd-century Talmudic sage Rebbi Yishmael to ask him to unravel the meaning of their dreams.

One gentile came and said to him, “I saw in… Read More »

Does A Rock Feel Pain?

There was a teacher known for his constant preaching about the need to nurture children with warmth and love. One time he noticed some children who were playing in the freshly laid concrete outside his newly renovated home, their little feet leaving lasting impressions. He became irritated and started chastising the children.

A congregant asked, "How can you, a person who devoted his entire life to teaching warmth to children, speak this way?" To which the rabbi replied: "You must understand. I love children in the abstract, not the concrete."  

At last, the moment had arrived. For 40 years they had wandered together in a wilderness. Most of the older generation had already passed on. By now, the young nation… Read More »


Rabbi Sam Wolfson was giving his speech to the Jewish Federation about the "Tragedy of Jewish Assimilation."

Toward the end of his long speech, the Rabbi clapped his hands... waited 10 seconds... and clapped his hands again.

The Audience looked puzzled. The Rabbi then explained that every time he clapped his hands, some Jew married a non-Jew.

Immediately, Morris jumped up from his seat in the audience and shouted, "Nu... So Stop With Your Clapping!"

This Shabbat we are celebrating Rosh Chodesh - the New Month of Tammuz.

In this week Torah Portion Korach is a baffling story. It tells of the "Test of the Staffs" conducted when people contested Aaron's appointment to the High Priesthood. 

G‑d instr… Read More »

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