

Friday, 8 March, 2024 - 10:49 am

An old Jewish beggar was out on the street, begging with his tin cup.

A man passed by and the beggar said to the man, "Sir, could you spare a quarter for a cup of coffee?"

And the man said, "Where do get coffee for 25 scents?"

And the beggar said, "Who buys retail?"

Building a sanctuary is difficult enough. Getting people to donate has been, historically, even more difficult. That, however, was not the case concerning the construction of the first Temple the Mishkan the Jewish people built in the desert. 

The Torah in Vayakhel tells us that everyone contributed to the cause. “Every man whose heart uplifted him came, and everyone whose spirit inspired him to generosity brought the offering of the Lord for the work of the Tent of Meeting, for all its service, and the holy garments.

The men came with the women; every generous hearted person brought bracelets and earrings and rings and buckles, all kinds of golden objects, and every man who waved a waving of gold to the Lord…

The contributions were so generous, that an announcement was made, ordering the entire nation to halt their generosity. This was probably, the first and last time in Jewish history that people were asked to stop giving. Could you imagine if we had such a problem with our shul that we had to tell the people to stop donating…

But what is intriguing is that the Torah, in a very conspicuous way, highlights another group of donors. And it remains ambiguous.

After the Torah concludes its description of the fact that all of the people of Israel donated all the items, the Torah all of a sudden mentions another group of donors.

They took from before Moses all the offerings that the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the Holy, and they brought to him more gifts very early in the morning.

What do these last words mean? “And they brought an additional offering very early in the morning."

First of all, who were these generous donors to be deserving to be singled out from everyone else? The Torah cannot be referring to the general public, because they are already mentioned in the previous verses. Who is this new group suddenly being addressed here? And why should this group deserve special recognition for their contribution, when the entire community did the same?

Secondly, why does the Torah stress that they brought an additional contribution in the wee hours of the morning? Why did they bring it so early in the day?

The daughter of Rabbi Zusia, was engaged. As poor as he was, Reb Zusia and his wife scraped together enough money for a seamstress to sew a beautiful gown for the bride-to-be. 

After a month the gown was ready, and Reb Zusia's wife and his daughter went with a bundle of rubblles to the home of the seamstress to pick up the finished gown.

An hour later they came home empty-handed. "Where is the gown?" asked the Rebbe. Was it stolen, perhaps lost? Did the seamstress not finish the job?

"Well," said his wife, "When I came to pick up the gown, I saw tears in the eyes of the seamstress. I asked her why she was crying and she told me that her daughter, too, was getting married.

Then she looked at the beautiful gown that she had sewn for me and sighed, "if only we could afford such beautiful material for a gown."

Reb Zusia's wife continued. "At that moment our daughter, the bride, couldn’t resist and decided to let the seamstress have her gown as a gift!"

“I was delighted with her decision. I know that for our daughter, we can find friends who will help us weave a new gown, or we can even borrow a beautiful gown for the night.”

Reb Zusia was delighted. The mitzvah of helping a poor bride was dear to him and he longed for the opportunity to fulfill it. 

But then he added one question to his wife. "Did you pay the seamstress for the work she did for us?"

"Pay her? What do you mean to pay her," asked the wife, "I gave her the gown!"

"I'm sorry," said the Rebbe. "You said the gown was a gift. We still owe her for the four weeks of work she spent on it for us. When she was working on the gown, she did it with the expectation of getting paid. She probably had to refuse other jobs, relying on the money she would receive for this gown. We have no right to deprive her of that hard-earned money. The fact that we are giving her a gift is our positive mitzvah, but it does not exempt us from paying up!" 

The Rebbetzin agreed. She returned to the seamstress and gave her the full money for the gown. In addition to the expensive gift of the gown, she compensated the seamstress for her work.

This story can shed light on our previous dilemma as to who were these generous donors who brought their donations early in the morning and why the Torah singles them out.

Let’s review the verse carefully and it all becomes clear. “They took from before Moses all the offerings that the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the Holy Temple, and they brought to him more gifts very early in the morning.”

Who is the “they”? Who brought him these extra gifts? It is the people mentioned in the opening of the verse. It was the craftsmen and builders who retrieved all of the contributions, for they were to do the work. The Torah now adds that it was these men and women who volunteered to physically build the Tabernacle by tailoring, weaving, designing, and constructing. All of them also offered their contributions to the Tabernacle.

Which explains why the Torah feels compelled to make a point out of this. These laborers, the goldsmiths, carpenters, and artists could have easily absolved themselves from donating their wealth. After all, they have already made a far more generous donation. They offered their time, skill, and energy to build the entire Sanctuary! They have done their part already. “After all,” they could have justly said, "we are donating so many hours from morning to sunset weaving, tailoring, crafting; what else do you expect? We are not only donating silver and gold; we are donating time, energy, sweat, and labor.”

But they did not exonerate themselves. The Torah tells us that “ they brought to him more gifts very early in the morning.” They wished to have the merit to contribute to the Sanctuary not only through their physical labor and their time but also with the merchandise they owned.

What is more, and here is the most impressive part. Since they committed of their time to weaving tailoring and fashioning the various furnishing from sunrise to sunset, they didn’t want to interrupt their sacred duty, and thus, they brought their donations early in the morning, which means way early in the morning, before sunrise.

Such people are deserving of special recognition.

Why were they so generous? Because they were not searching for excuses to absolve themselves. If they were looking for rationalizations, they had plenty. They were committed to the project with their souls, hearts, and passion. They loved it. And when you love something, you do not look to do less; you look to do more.

Just as in a relationship. When you are having issues with your spouse, you might still be a mentch, and fulfill your duties, but you will get away with the minimum. But when your heart is aglow with love and passion Ah! Then you can’t do enough for your spouse. You want to add more and more.

Sometimes, in our communal involvement, some of us look to abdicate and relinquish responsibility and commitment; we look for every excuse to relieve ourselves from responsibilities. If we are giving some time to something, we say to ourselves: Why should I give my money? I already gave my time and effort.

But the Torah inspires us with another model a profile of people who care and are not searching to get off the hook. They give of their time, and they give of their wealth. Because it matters to them. They are not trying to fulfill a duty; they deeply care about the project and its results.

That is the type of activism, concern, and participation the Torah wishes to inspire us with.

A story:  The last trolley of the evening rolled by on Kingston Avenue on a chilly winter night in 1955 as a jolly young Shimshon Stock ushered a close acquaintance and his soon-to-be-Bar-Mitzvahed son into the Lubavitch synagogue, around the corner at 770 Eastern Parkway.

Inside "770", soon to become famous as Lubavitch World Headquarters, was the study and office of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who a few years earlier had accepted the leadership of this small Chassidic community still struggling to recover from the ravages of Stalinism and the Holocaust. At the time, the Rebbe had only a handful of emissaries scattered across Israel, America, Europe, and North Africa; but he was already relentlessly and tirelessly building a global network of communities soon to gain worldwide renowned for its unconventional yet contemporary ways of reaching out to Jewish youth.

Shimshon, born and bred in the New World, was very much the "American Boy". Yet he had enjoyed a close and special friendship with the Rebbe. He now introduced his friend and his friend's son to the Rebbe, who greeted them with his comforting and warm handshake, requesting them to please take a seat.

The Rebbe briefly blessed the boy that he should grow to become a source of pride to the Jewish people and his family. As they turned to leave, Rebbe surprised the three Americans with the question he addressed to the youngster: "Are you a baseball fan?"

The Bar-Mitzvah boy replied that he was.

Which team are you a fan of — the Yankees or the Dodgers?"

At that time, the Brooklyn Dodgers were still playing in Ebbits Field, in Brooklyn, and this team must hold a special place in the hearts of all lovers of freedom.

The Dodgers replied the boy.

"Does your father have the same feeling for the Dodgers as you have?" No.

"Does he take you out to games?"

Well, every once in a while, my father takes me to a game. We were at a game a month ago.

"How was the game?"

It was disappointing, the 13-year-old confessed. By the sixth inning, the Dodgers were losing nine-to-two, so we decided to leave.

"Did the players also leave the game when you left?"

Rabbi, the players can't leave in the middle of the game!

"Why not?" asked the Rebbe. "Explain to me how this works."

The boy seemed a bit annoyed by the Rebbe’s ignorant questions.

There are players and fans, the baseball fan explained. The fans can leave when they like — they're not part of the game and the game could, and does, continue after they leave. If they don’t like how the game is going, they walk out. But the players need to stay and try to win until the game is over.

"That is the lesson I want to teach you in Judaism," said the Rebbe with a smile. "You can be either a fan or a player. Be a player."

The fan admires, encourages, and helps out when he can. But if things are looking hard, he can just get up and go home. The player, on the other hand, never leaves the arena of the game. Sunshine or snow, warm or cold, winning or losing, he lingers on. Why? Because it is HIS game. He’s not a spectator; he is a player.

And that makes all the difference.

The Jewish people survived and thrived, the Rebbe said because we were not fans of Judaism; we were players!

Today we need more Jewish players. Gentiles can be fans. Jews need to be players!

Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov,

Rabbi Yoseph Geisinsky




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Susan Bickford wrote...

It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don't know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That's when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it's Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: [email protected]


Coinfx market is a big scam broker, i paid a huge amount of $70,000, they persuaded me, into putting more of my hard earned money with all hope to get profits in return, they won’t allow me to make a withdrawal of my investment, all because all they wanted is to steal my money, i got advised to file a refund case against them, which to my greatest surprise i was able to withdraw my money, i contacted a recovery expert { [email protected] } and his team of recovery experts, they where able to assist me with the withdrawal of my money, and restore my funds, they are very responsive, and you can reach out to him for help also, i know am not the only one who has fallen victim, people out there might also need this information!!!


Coinfx market is a big scam broker, i paid a huge amount of $70,000, they persuaded me, into putting more of my hard earned money with all hope to get profits in return, they won’t allow me to make a withdrawal of my investment, all because all they wanted is to steal my money, i got advised to file a refund case against them, which to my greatest surprise i was able to withdraw my money, i contacted a recovery expert { [email protected] } and his team of recovery experts, they where able to assist me with the withdrawal of my money, and restore my funds, they are very responsive, and you can reach out to him for help also, i know am not the only one who has fallen victim, people out there might also need this information!

Mary Robinson wrote...

Good day to everyone reading my post, i'm here to appreciate a legitimate spell caster call Dr Kachi who can help you winning the lottery draw, i have never win a biggest amount in lottery unite the day i saw good reviews about DR Kachi how he has helped a lot of people in different ways both financially/martially and i have been playing Mega Million for 8years now, but things suddenly change the moment i contacted Dr Kachi and explained everything to me about the spell and I accepted. I followed his instructions and played the Mega Million with the numbers he gave me, now i am a proud lottery winner with the help of Dr Kachi spell, i win $640 Million Dollars in Mega Millions Ticket, i am making this known to everyone out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery jackpot, believe me this is the only way to win the lottery, this is the real secret we all have been searching for. I want to thank Dr Kachi for his endless help and his from the United States. you can contact via email [email protected] or through Text and Call Number: +1 (209) 893-8075

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loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how 
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zam zam wrote...

BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS....It all depends on how fast 
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I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about 
$50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money 
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[email protected] < Tell your 
loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how 
my life changed for good...Love you all .

Susan Bickford wrote...

It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don't know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That's when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it's Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: [email protected]



Coinfx market is a big scam broker, i paid a huge amount of $70,000, they persuaded me, into putting more of my hard earned money with all hope to get profits in return, they won’t allow me to make a withdrawal of my investment, all because all they wanted is to steal my money, i got advised to file a refund case against them, which to my greatest surprise i was able to withdraw my money, i contacted a recovery expert { [email protected] } and his team of recovery experts, they where able to assist me with the withdrawal of my money, and restore my funds, they are very responsive, and you can reach out to him for help also, i know am not the only one who has fallen victim, people out there might also need this information!!!

zam zam wrote...

BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS....It all depends on how fast 
you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of
hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about 
this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month 
ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and 
I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about 
$50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money 
into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught 
,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it 
also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect 
you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : (
[email protected] < Tell your 
loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how 
my life changed for good...Love you all .

Vivian Marcus wrote...

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Susan Bickford wrote...

It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don't know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That's when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it's Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: drkachispellcast@gmail. com

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Mary Robinson wrote...

Good day to everyone reading my post, i'm here to appreciate a legitimate spell caster call Dr Kachi who can help you winning the lottery draw, i have never win a biggest amount in lottery unite the day i saw good reviews about DR Kachi how he has helped a lot of people in different ways both financially/martially and i have been playing Mega Million for 8years now, but things suddenly change the moment i contacted Dr Kachi and explained everything to me about the spell and I accepted. I followed his instructions and played the Mega Million with the numbers he gave me, now i am a proud lottery winner with the help of Dr Kachi spell, i win $640 Million Dollars in Mega Millions Ticket, i am making this known to everyone out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery jackpot, believe me this is the only way to win the lottery, this is the real secret we all have been searching for. I want to thank Dr Kachi for his endless help and his from the United States. you can contact via email [email protected] or through Text and Call Number: +1 (209) 893-8075

Carol Vincent wrote...

I was diagnosed with Cancer Virus my pain goes away with the help of this man Dr Kuda, who cured me from cancer my purpose out here today is to let everyone who's going through this condition to seek help from him my name is Carol Vincent, I am a cancer patient I have been in the situation for the past 4 years it was very difficult for me I have take many medicine going through one hospital to other I almost give up because it have been very difficult for me I stopped going to work because of this, and I said to my self let me make a research online where I can get remedy that can cure me from cancer then I saw a testimonial about Dr Kuda I took an action contacted him and told Dr Kuda my situation of me having cancer disease that he should help me out, and Dr Kuda promise me that his going to prepare a herbal medicine and send it to me by DHL delivery, I waited for two days when I received the herbal medicine he instructed me how to take it after, I started taking the medication for two weeks and when I went to see my doctor and he confirmed that am no more cancer patient, thank you sir for your kind of good job protecting people life to cure their disease, i will advice you all going through this situation to contact him via Email: drkudaspelltemple@gmail. com Or his Call/WhatsApp Number +1 (346) 478-1991



Have you gotten your bitcoins stolen from your wallet or invested in an ICO that turned out to be a scam, you are not alone because this happened to me too. I initially lost $96,000 in just less then five months from Fake investment scam company. My friend referred me to a hacker who helped me recover all my funds within 3 days. I’m speaking up to improve awareness of these cryptocurrency thieves and help as much as i can to reduce victims to the minimum. If you have been a victim, Simply contact Them ( MorrisGray380 at Gmail Dot Com )or whatsapp ( +1 607 698 0239 )

Susan Bickford wrote...

It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don't know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That's when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it's Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: [email protected]

Ann Earnis wrote...


This is my testimony about the good work of priest wisdom who helped me ... I'm Ann Earnis from North Carolina USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 1 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please I want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, I advise you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tells is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is supernaturalspell0 @ gmail. com or directly on whats-app +2348124644470 ..

psychic rowan wrote...


Psychic Rowan ☎ +256789510542 will help you bring back lost love and lost lover with traditional love spells. If you have been unlucky in love with a string of unsuccessful relationships in your love life leading to heartache, bitterness and the desire to stay away from relationships.

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True love is about a person who loves you, understands you and with who you share mutual trust, respect, friendship, intimacy and dependency. You both cant live without each other. Psychic Rowan has traditional loves spells to make all your love & marriage dreams a reality. If this is what you are looking for in your love life, consult the ancestral spirits for answers to your problems call ☎ +256789510542.

Traditional love spells by Psychic Rowan are based on the magic of the mount Traditional. Psychic Rowan is a traditional Healer and spell caster with love spells, lost love spells, marriage spells, romance spells and lust spells. Make someone you want to fall in love with you, find the most perfect lover, bring your lover back.

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Have you gotten your bitcoins stolen from your wallet or invested in an ICO that turned out to be a scam, you are not alone because this happened to me too. I initially lost $96,000 in just less then five months from Fake investment scam company. My friend referred me to a hacker who helped me recover all my funds within 3 days. I’m speaking up to improve awareness of these cryptocurrency thieves and help as much as i can to reduce victims to the minimum. If you have been a victim, Simply contact Them ( MorrisGray830 at Gmail Dot Com )or whatsapp ( +1 607 698 0239 )…

Patrick Williams wrote...

Good day everyone on this site reading this testimony, I have been playing the lottery for the past 8years, and had not been able to win I was so upset and worried all day and night looking for who will help me to win the lottery, because buying the ticket not winning losing money get me angry, i was almost giving up until no other option going browsing online when I found a website It was there I came across a comment on the blogs about a powerful spell caster called Dr Kachi who helps so many people to achieve their goals with the lucky winning numbers to win the lotteries. I contacted him also and told him I want to win a lottery, Dr Kachi cast the winning numbers for me which I used to play and when I took the ticket and checked the winning numbers online. When I realized I’d matched all six numbers I was not at first believe, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, it was when i getting the message, I won the Mega Millions $128,166.00 million dollars, I'm a proud winners I want you, my friends who are passing through to win lottery games, contact [email protected] his Text number and Call +1 (209) 893-8075

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

Patrick Williams wrote...

Good day everyone on this site reading this testimony, I have been playing the lottery for the past 8years, and had not been able to win I was so upset and worried all day and night looking for who will help me to win the lottery, because buying the ticket not winning losing money get me angry, i was almost giving up until no other option going browsing online when I found a website It was there I came across a comment on the blogs about a powerful spell caster called Dr Kachi who helps so many people to achieve their goals with the lucky winning numbers to win the lotteries. I contacted him also and told him I want to win a lottery, Dr Kachi cast the winning numbers for me which I used to play and when I took the ticket and checked the winning numbers online. When I realized I’d matched all six numbers I was not at first believe, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, it was when i getting the message, I won the Mega Millions $128,166.00 million dollars, I'm a proud winners I want you, my friends who are passing through to win lottery games, contact drkachispellcast@gmail. com his Text number and Call +1 (209) 893-8075

Kelsey Zachow wrote...

Great news about Dr ughulu who made me win my Mega millions. All my friends have been telling me about this great man who made them always win their lottery by casting a winning number for them. My friends keep telling me to contact him so I can also win my mega million. Actually I really also text him to help me. Text/Call: +1(252) 409-1841 and I explained to him it's my friends who Introduced me to him. And I told him the reason I came to his temple and Dr really made me the happiest woman and cast me a mega million winning number, so I really played it and won the prize of $66,000.000 millions dollars. Thank you for making my life possible Dr ughulu. His email: [email protected]


nancy Angela wrote...


I am very delighted and great joy in happiness in my hear because I'm simply AMAZED at the results of this spell you performed for me. Everything is going so well and EXACTLY how you said it would be. Even though it took 3 days to fully progress, it was so worth it because things are just about at perfection! How you took my situation and completely turned it around to give me exactly what I wanted is beyond me, but something I will never question and just be completely grateful for coming across you. Bless you for helping so many people get what their heart desires. You truly gifted!. You can also contact him for help as well via;
Whatsapp: +90 534 069 3791
dr.makinidrmurugu@ gmail. com

Gerard Ritier wrote...

Hi everyone, I come with goodnews on how you can win the lottery. Winning the lottery was a dream come through for me and this was made possible with the help of Dr Kumar lottery winning numbers. All my years of playing the lottery I was unable to win on my own and online tips could not help me as well. I keep trying and also researching on how I can improve my chances of winning and I came across a lot of comments about Dr Kumar lottery winning numbers which have indeed made a lot of people lottery winners. I also contacted Dr Kumar by email and requested for my winning numbers which he responded to and sent me the winning numbers which I played and won the EuroMillions jackpot. You can contact Dr Kumar on email: [email protected] or WhatsApp +2347051705853 to send you your lottery winning numbers. This is the only way you can win the lottery by contacting Dr Kumar to send you the winning numbers.

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

bradley dell wrote...

These individuals really helped me get my money back, and I really appreciate it. Bradley Dell is my name, and I'm a young single man. A few months ago, I was duped by a trading site that promised daily gains of 18%, and I lost over 3.7BTC to them. I became interested in this and decided to invest. I kept running into phoney recovery professionals while trying to get it back. Even though I had a difficult year overall, I was duped multiple times last year, and ever since then, I've had trouble taking care of myself and making ends meet. I told a close friend since I was finding things so difficult. He then gave me the rundown on CYBERETRIEVE, a premier hacking collective that employs rootkits and spammers forrecovery of cryptocurrencies. My only remaining hope was to contact them; even though their service is a little pricey, with my friend's assistance, I was able to make a partial payment. They deliver excellent results with seamless, fast, and efficient services.That they were able to get back more than what I had lost to those heartless con artists delighted me. It was truly beautiful and definitely worth the work. I strongly suggest anyone having similar experiences, falling for a scam, or investing in a phoney platform like me to get in touch with them in order to get their hard-earned money back because they are skilled at retrieving and hacking of any kind. [email protected] is their email address, while @cyberetrieve is their Telegram account.You'll thank me for employing them.

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

Andrew Matvei wrote...

I came in hand with greatness today, after mysteriously losing control of my Binance wallet and my trading account to LCGCOIN, I did everything they asked me but truth be told, this LCGCOIN crypto trading platform is just a bunch of rippers and clowns who prey on us due to our lack of exposure about cryptocurrency and how to properly earn from it. I saw no end to their demands for them to allow me access to my Binance wallet and trading account with them as well. I hired a private detective in my city, Oklahoma and he confirmed to me they were crooks but he couldn't do much so he introduced me to Cyber Genie Hack Pro Crypto Wealth Recovery Services. I consulted them and filed a case on their website ( ht tp (://)   cybergeniehackpro (.) xy z/  ), and they swiftly got into work. I am truly impressed with the outcome of their recovery services. Having back access to my money was all I wanted. Every dollar I ever deposited into my LCGCOIN trading account was recovered. Everything is in order and my security is tight to avoid further cyber attacks. Grateful to everyone that made the recovery a success at Cyber-Genie-Hack-Pro. File a case with Cyber Genie if you are a victim of Binary and Cryptocurrency trading fraud. TELEGRAM:  @CYBERGENIEHACKPRO
WHATSAPP:  (+) (1252) (5120391)

Cindy Jason wrote...


God did it for me again with the help of Dr Kachi with his love spell to get my husband back. we divorce 3months ago and since things become so hard for me because I love my husband so much, But he was chatting on me with another woman and he always goes to party every night my husband doesn't care about me whenever he get back at night he will be beating me up with no reason, I cry every night and day to get my husband back to his normal love and affection that he give to me before. but nothing was working out for me I try my best I left him with my kids but I couldn't sleep at night without thinking about my husband, then one day I was reading a new online about our politics and I see a comment about Dr Kachi how he restored broken relationship back and marriage, i didn't believe in love spell at the first place, then i have to make further research about Dr Kachi I opened his website I can't believe what I saw a great man helping people return their lover back and being happy in relationship again. I went fast and contacted Dr Kachi to help me restore my marriage back, after I provided the required needed to cast the love spell, the next day my husband come back to me and apologies for him leaving me and the kids Dr Kachi made me the happiest woman on earth I am so happy, I do appreciate your kind help bring my husband home, you can also contact him and seek for help in break up in married Via Text Number Call: +1 (209) 893-8075 Email [email protected]

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

Richard E. Coats wrote...


I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible hackers at ETHICSREFINANCE Hackers who completely turned my life around by helping me recover my stolen bitcoin worth an astounding $425,700. Let me tell you, I was absolutely devastated when I realized I had fallen victim to a fake broker who had scammed me out of my hard-earned money. I was at a loss and thought there was no way I would ever see that money again.But then, a friend recommended ETHICSREFINANCE Hackers to me and I decided to give it a shot. And let me tell you, it was the best decision I ever made. The team at ETHICSREFINANCE Hackers worked tirelessly to track down the criminals who had stolen my bitcoin and within a short period of time, they had successfully recovered every single penny. I was blown away by their professionalism, expertise, and dedication to helping me get my money back.Thanks to ETHICSREFINANCE Hackers, I was able to regain my financial security and put the traumatic experience behind me. I will forever be grateful for their incredible work and I highly recommend them to anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation. Trust me, you won’t regret it. ETHICSREFINANCE Hackers truly are the unsung heroes of the digital world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!…reach out to them via

EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com

TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance

Triciaw wrote...

THIS IS HOW YOU CAN RECOVER YOUR LOST CRYPTO? Are you a victim of Investment, BTC, Forex, NFT, Credit card, etc Scam? Do you want to investigate a cheating spouse? Do you desire credit repair (all bureaus)? Contact Hacker Steve (Funds Recovery agent) asap to get started. He specializes in all cases of ethical hacking, cryptocurrency, fake investment schemes, recovery scam, credit repair, stolen account, etc. Stay safe out there! [email protected]

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

Susan Bickford wrote...

It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don't know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That's when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it's Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: [email protected]

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

steve maxwell wrote...

I had to write back and say what an amazing experience I had with lord richard, the world's most powerful lottery spell caster. My Heart is filled with joy and happiness after lord richard cast the Lottery spell for me and I won £4,369,877. His lottery spell changed my life into riches, I'm now out of debt and experiencing the most amazing good life after I won a huge amount of money. lord richard your Lottery spell is so real and pure. God bless you for the lottery spell that changed my life for the best, I am totally grateful for the lottery spelll lord richard did for me. You can contact him from any part of the world for special lottery numbers...
EMAIL: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

Susan Bickford wrote...

It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don't know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That's when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it's Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: [email protected]

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

Patrick Williams wrote...

Good day everyone on this site reading this testimony, I have been playing the lottery for the past 8years, and had not been able to win I was so upset and worried all day and night looking for who will help me to win the lottery, because buying the ticket not winning losing money get me angry, i was almost giving up until no other option going browsing online when I found a website It was there I came across a comment on the blogs about a powerful spell caster called Dr Kachi who helps so many people to achieve their goals with the lucky winning numbers to win the lotteries. I contacted him also and told him I want to win a lottery, Dr Kachi cast the winning numbers for me which I used to play and when I took the ticket and checked the winning numbers online. When I realized I’d matched all six numbers I was not at first believe, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, it was when i getting the message, I won the Mega Millions $128,166.00 million dollars, I'm a proud winners I want you, my friends who are passing through to win lottery games, contact [email protected] his Text number and Call +1 (209) 893-8075

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

Patrick Williams wrote...

Good day everyone on this site reading this testimony, I have been playing the lottery for the past 8years, and had not been able to win I was so upset and worried all day and night looking for who will help me to win the lottery, because buying the ticket not winning losing money get me angry, i was almost giving up until no other option going browsing online when I found a website It was there I came across a comment on the blogs about a powerful spell caster called Dr Kachi who helps so many people to achieve their goals with the lucky winning numbers to win the lotteries. I contacted him also and told him I want to win a lottery, Dr Kachi cast the winning numbers for me which I used to play and when I took the ticket and checked the winning numbers online. When I realized I’d matched all six numbers I was not at first believe, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, it was when i getting the message, I won the Mega Millions $128,166.00 million dollars, I'm a proud winners I want you, my friends who are passing through to win lottery games, contact [email protected] his Text number and Call +1 (209) 893-8075

emily faye wrote...

I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: [email protected] or Whatsapp +2348120513902

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

zam zam wrote...

BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS....It all depends on how fast 
you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of
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I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about 
$50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money 
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also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect 
you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : (
[email protected] < Tell your 
loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how 
my life changed for good...Love you all .

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

Jubilant James wrote...

It will be bad to keep this alone to myself. I came across the best  Advance ATM CARD hacker  who really helped me to get 200,000 dollars which has a 5,000 daily withdrawal limit, they are very honest and diligent in their work. All I did was to order for the ATM card  and  after  4 working days  I received my own atm card from the delivery company with the card pin number. To my greatest surprise, the ATM card works at the ATM machine in my country   . Contact her via [email protected] WhatsApp number +33758779954

zam zam wrote...

BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS....It all depends on how fast 
you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of
hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about 
this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month 
ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and 
I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about 
$50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money 
into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught 
,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it 
also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect 
you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : (
[email protected] < Tell your 
loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how 
my life changed for good...Love you all .

quatisha brown wrote...

I just want the whole world to know about this spell caster I met two weeks ago,I cannot say everything he has done for me and my family I was going through online when I meant this wonderful man's testimony online how he won a lottery through the help of dr Ose I decided to just give it a try and my life is back to me now after i lost my job due to covid  he gave me a winning numbers to play lottery and i won 5000usd for my first play since then i have been working with him and he has been giving me numbers to play my lottery i can not write everything he has done for me if you need a lottery spell today contact him on [email protected]
whatsapp +2348136482342

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

rave harry wrote...

Hello Everyone, my name is RAVE HARRY, I am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about LORD RICHARD, he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers, and he also instructed me on how to go about it, i played and i won $50,000,000 FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS, i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of LORD RICHARD, now i have that much, if you ever need help in getting lottery winning numbers to enable you win much money to pay for anything you wish for in life., do not hesitate to contact him, he will always be there to help you. contact him via his
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP: +1(360)884-0286

quatisha brown wrote...

I just want the whole world to know about this spell caster I met two weeks ago,I cannot say everything he has done for me and my family I was going through online when I meant this wonderful man's testimony online how he won a lottery through the help of dr Ose I decided to just give it a try and my life is back to me now after i lost my job due to covid  he gave me a winning numbers to play lottery and i won 5000usd for my first play since then i have been working with him and he has been giving me numbers to play my lottery i can not write everything he has done for me if you need a lottery spell today contact him on [email protected]
whatsapp +2348136482342

chiara marie wrote...

Have you lost or forgotten the bitcoin you worked so hard to earn? Keep your cool! Get in touch with CYBERETRIEVE for help with recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrency or fixing cyber issues.Don't allow fraudsters to take your priceless digital assets; the CYBERETRIEVE team will do everything in their power to ensure that you get your lost data back. With pleasure, I introduce to you CYBERETRIEVE, a respectable private investigation and asset recovery company that assists people who have been the targets of frauds and scams in recovering their money as well as digital assets that have been lost, stolen, or compromised. They are incredibly helpful and take a very personal approach to their consumers' problems. My personal experience with them led me to award them a 5-star rating on CYBERETRIEVE company. Their channels for customer inquiries are:
EMAIL:[email protected]

Hellen Joy wrote...


Recovery of Lost Crypto; Binary options scam, Investment scams, Loans scam Etc. What happens after losing Bitcoin to Fraudsters?
You can choose to accept the loss and give the con artists your hard-earned money, or you can choose the second choice. As a result of your failure to stop the scammers, additional people will become victims, many of whom will most likely be your friends or relatives. As an alternative, you can contact bitcoin recovery professionals like HACKER MAYE MUSK RECOVERY COMPANY, who will assist you in tracing and recovering your bitcoin. HACKER MAYE MUSK RECOVERY collaborates with law enforcement to help catch these con artists. You can proceed as long as you know the wallet address of the con artist. I wish you success in getting your bitcoin back.

Email: Support@mayermuskrecovery
Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678

Hellen Joy wrote...


Recovery of Lost Crypto; Binary options scam, Investment scams, Loans scam Etc. What happens after losing Bitcoin to Fraudsters?
You can choose to accept the loss and give the con artists your hard-earned money, or you can choose the second choice. As a result of your failure to stop the scammers, additional people will become victims, many of whom will most likely be your friends or relatives. As an alternative, you can contact bitcoin recovery professionals like HACKER MAYE MUSK RECOVERY COMPANY, who will assist you in tracing and recovering your bitcoin. HACKER MAYE MUSK RECOVERY collaborates with law enforcement to help catch these con artists. You can proceed as long as you know the wallet address of the con artist. I wish you success in getting your bitcoin back.

Email: Support@mayermuskrecovery
Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678

micah martens wrote...

The largest threat I have ever faced was when some con artists stole 2.354 BTC from my Binance wallet. I lost that much in bitcoin after being duped into investing in their business.Even though I made numerous attempts to obtain those cash back, I was unsuccessful. I never stopped looking for trustworthy hackers who could support me.I spent a lot of money researching some deserving hackers for money recovery before I found CYBERETRIEVE, who enabled me to hack these con artists and get my money back in full.Never easy, but they developed into reliable hackers that we may suggest to everyone who has fallen for a cryptocurrency fraud.
Talk to them about your issues,and they'll make sure to assist you.Contact them via phone at @cyberetrive on Telegram or by their official email at [email protected].
Additional information to contact:
This article is for crypto scam victims.Regards

Gordy Tammy wrote...

How I won the lottery: I'm Gordy, 57 years old, and I want to share my remarkable story that unfolded in my life, in hopes that it may be of use to others. I will never forget the moment I sank into my chair, speechless. "I couldn't make sense of all those zeros on my ticket," I remember thinking. It was at the Hy-Vee Fast & Fresh store on 1027 N. Quincy Ave. in Ottumwa where fate smiled upon me, and the Lottery ticket I purchased turned out to be the winning one: $2 million. I owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. CHUDO, a highly recommended spell caster. Following his instructions, including the numbers he provided, led to a truly life-changing outcome. Thanks to Dr. CHUDO, I am a lottery winner. If you'd like to express your appreciation to Dr. CHUDO for me, you can contact him via Email:, Text/Call: +17654001410

Stefania Slowik wrote...

Good day everyone, I’m Stefania Slowik from Poland, my husband and I own Flower and Ornamental plants company, about two months ago we invested some part of our money into a cryptocurrency investment platform and made a total of $274,000 payment through bitcoins to this cryptocurrency platform not aware that it was all a scam, they kept asking us to make more payments into their platform and that was when we realized we have lost our investment. It was such a difficult time for us but while I was surfing the internet, I saw someone share a post about EVIL HACKERS RECOVERY, a reputable company that recovers stolen and lost funds, I didn’t hesitate to contact them and after providing all the information they needed, EVIL HACKERS RECOVERY was able to recover our money in 48 hours. We were shocked that such a thing could be possible but we are super excited we were able to recover our money all thanks to EVIL HACKERS RECOVERY. We are recommending EVIL HACKERS RECOVERY to everyone out there who have been defrauded too by these fake cryptocurrency investment platforms. Contact them at Email: recoveryevilhackers@ or WhatsApp: +353899820359

quatisha brown wrote...

I just want the whole world to know about this spell caster I met two weeks ago,I cannot say everything he has done for me and my family I was going through online when I meant this wonderful man's testimony online how he won a lottery through the help of dr Ose I decided to just give it a try and my life is back to me now after i lost my job due to covid he gave me a winning numbers to play lottery and i won 5000usd for my first play since then i have been working with him and he has been giving me numbers to play my lottery i can not write everything he has done for me if you need a lottery spell today contact him on [email protected]
whatsapp +2348136482342

Diana Margaret wrote...

I am Diana Margaret by name from England, so excited to quickly Appreciate Dr Kachi. who helped me win a lot of money a few weeks ago in the lottery, I was addicted of playing the lottery game, I’ve never won a big amount in the EuroMillions lotteries, but other than losing my ticket, I always play when the jackpot is big. I believe that someday I might as well be the lucky winner. I was in the Aldi supermarket store buying a lottery ticket when I overheard Newsagents reveal saying what happens when someone win a National Lottery jackpot in their shop by a powerful doctor called Dr Kachi, i was not easily convince at first so i went online to do some research about Dr Kachi I saw different kind of manifest of testimony how he have help a lot of people to win big lottery game in all over the worldwide, that was what trigger me to contact Dr Kachi i decided to give him a try and told him i want to be the among of the winner he had helps, Dr Kachi assure me not to worry that I'm in rightful place to win my lottery game and ask me to buy lottery tickets after he have perform a powerful spell numbers and gave to me which i use to play the lottery draw, and won a massive £40,627,241 EuroMillions, After all my years of financially struggling to win the lottery, I finally win big jackpot, this message is to everyone out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery, believe me this is the only way you can win the lottery, contact Call/Text number: +1 (209) 893-8075 Email [email protected]

Joe Arthur wrote...

I was paid $30 per hour at work and it was a stressful job, I was researching online for a better job when I saw testimonies of how Dr Uyi helped people with his spell to win lottery. I have not played the lottery game before so I wondered how it works, I spoke to Dr Uyi asking for help to win the lottery game too. He responded and requested for my name and picture, I did as he instructed and the items were bought to cast the spell, after the casting of the spell he gave me a lottery number which was revealed to him by the gods when he was casting the spell. I played the lottery numbers and two days later I got an email that I won 139 million dollars($139,000,000). I thought it was a joke but behold I got paid without stress. Dr Uyi is a great Psychic, join me thank him. You can also contact him via email: [email protected]

cindy byrd wrote...

I'm so excited. My life become more beautiful since i contacted this real spell caster Dr Excellent for help" After my boyfriend of 3years broke up with me, I could barely speak without crying. I felt blindsided and didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I could get him back and the anxiety was unbearable. I needed him back desperately because i loved him so much. So i contacted this great spell caster for help. He helped me cast a return love spell on him and just within 11hours my boyfriend came back to me crying and begging for my forgiveness. Dr Excellent released him to know how much i loved and wanted him. And He also opened his eyes to picture how much love we have share together. As I am writing this testimony right now i am the most happiest woman on earth. I want to recommend this great spell caster to anyone that truly needs an urgent solution to a love break up & for anyone who is having troubles in their marriage/relationship now. Here his contact.
WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail .com

Walter Brian wrote...

THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; [email protected] and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.

Diana Margaret wrote...

I am Diana Margaret by name from England, so excited to quickly Appreciate Dr Kachi. who helped me win a lot of money a few weeks ago in the lottery, I was addicted of playing the lottery game, I’ve never won a big amount in the EuroMillions lotteries, but other than losing my ticket, I always play when the jackpot is big. I believe that someday I might as well be the lucky winner. I was in the Aldi supermarket store buying a lottery ticket when I overheard Newsagents reveal saying what happens when someone win a National Lottery jackpot in their shop by a powerful doctor called Dr Kachi, i was not easily convince at first so i went online to do some research about Dr Kachi I saw different kind of manifest of testimony how he have help a lot of people to win big lottery game in all over the worldwide, that was what trigger me to contact Dr Kachi i decided to give him a try and told him i want to be the among of the winner he had helps, Dr Kachi assure me not to worry that I'm in rightful place to win my lottery game and ask me to buy lottery tickets after he have perform a powerful spell numbers and gave to me which i use to play the lottery draw, and won a massive £40,627,241 EuroMillions, After all my years of financially struggling to win the lottery, I finally win big jackpot, this message is to everyone out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery, believe me this is the only way you can win the lottery, contact Call/Text number: +1 (209) 893-8075 Email [email protected]

david johnson wrote...

Hello, good day everyone. I want to use this medium to share with you how my life changed from a Iberia food truck driver to who I am today. This can be anybody and it can still be you, because time is never too late. My name is David Johnson from Brooklyn, New York city! Playing the lottery was my passion. I've played for years not winning anything before I met with Dr Marcus. He was the man who gave me numbers to play after putting to work. He makes me believe in spirituality. Because I was skeptical about it. I went out that morning to play despite being sick that day. That evening a friend of mine who works in the same company called me and said 'Dave, somebody won the Powerball at the gas station. The next morning I checked my numbers. I still don't believe I've won so I have to stop back in at the gas station to finally check my ticket before going into work. I looked at the bord and I'm like "oh my God" I won $298.3 million. Jumped up and down the store.... Quickly got back in my car, turned the music up and zoomed home. I was so happy I couldn't even eat. I was hungry but my stomach was full! All thanks to you Dr. I'm forever grateful I never believed but he changed my life, reach him today [email protected] or WhatsApp +2348110492028 I believe he will be there for you as well. Thank you

Walter Brian wrote...

THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; [email protected] and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.

Lincon Reiser wrote...

“In the high-stakes world of cryptocurrency, where digital coins can vanish in the blink of an eye, a new breed of "wizard" hackers has emerged to combat the scourge of stolen Bitcoin. Cyber Genie Hack Pro service, is a cutting-edge cybersecurity solution that uses advanced algorithms and lightning-fast response times to track down and retrieve pilfered crypto assets. When a victim's Bitcoin wallet is compromised and their hard-earned funds disappear into the ether of the blockchain, these digital sorcerers swing into action, leveraging their formidable hacking skills and extensive network of contacts to follow the electronic trail, uncover the thieves' identities, and compel the return of the stolen cryptocurrency. Employing a potent blend of technical wizardry and old-fashioned private investigative tactics, the team deftly navigates the shadowy underworld of crypto crime, deploying a vast arsenal of digital forensics tools and sheer cunning to outwit even the craftiest Bitcoin bandits. For those who have fallen victim to cryptocurrency theft, these modern-day alchemists offer a beacon of hope, restoring not just lost funds, but a sense of security in the lawless frontier of decentralized finance. With Cyber Genie Hack Pro recovery service, in this case, the days of helplessly watching one's Bitcoin disappear may soon be a thing of the past. My Bitcoin 405,000$ was returned to me through CyberGenie's team's excellent recovery services. I escaped being a victim, you can also. Locate them via:
Whatsapp.....+ 1 2 5 2 5 1 2 0 3 9 1
T/Gram..... cybergenie hackpro
Site... (ht tps:/ /cyb erge nieh ackpro (.) x y z/)

Thank you.”

Susan Bickford wrote...

It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don't know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That's when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it's Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: [email protected]

DANIEL RAY wrote...


Have you gotten your bitcoins stolen from your wallet or invested in an ICO that turned out to be a scam, you are not alone because this happened to me too. I initially lost $96,000 in just less then five months from Fake investment scam company. My friend referred me to a hacker who helped me recover all my funds within 3 days. I’m speaking up to improve awareness of these cryptocurrency thieves and help as much as i can to reduce victims to the minimum. If you have been a victim, Simply contact Them ( MorrisGray830 at Gmail Dot Com )or whatsapp ( +1 607 698 0239 )…...

Stella Bruno wrote...

I still don’t know the right words to express my gratitude to Herbalist Dr. UGHULU. After being diagnosed with Herpes Virus 2 months ago, I was given so many health prescriptions and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until I found testimonies of Great Dr. UGHULU online when I was researching on a Blog, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him but I later did and he opened up to me and told me what was involved and he started. the remedies for my health. Thank God, I was cured from Herpes Virus by the herbal medication I received from him. I never thought that Herpes Virus can be cured, From the bottom of my heart I'm truly grateful and I pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support, You can Email him via email :[email protected] or Text/Call:+1 (252) 409-1841 One thing I love most about Dr. UGHULU he is a good man with kind hearted, He is very polite with his patience, Everything he told me was what he did and his herbal medicine are very affordable.